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What is the secret to life? Author, entrepreneur, philanthropist Mark Gerson says it’s found in the Haggadah, an ancient Jewish text

Mar. 11, 2021

WASHINGTON — Museum of the Bible will host “How to Live a Happier Life: Lessons from the Haggadah,” a virtual event featuring author, entrepreneur and philanthropist Mark Gerson, who will be joined by vascular surgeon and medical missionary Paul Osteen.

“God didn’t design the Seder to put you to sleep!” said Mark Gerson. “Rather, the Seder invites us to discover the gift of the Haggadah — the greatest hits of Jewish thought — which is specifically designed to enable us to live happier, better and more meaningful lives in the year to come.”

Haggadah, Hebrew for “telling,” refers to the book detailing the practice of the Seder during the Jewish Passover celebration. Gerson will reveal how the Haggadah is much more than that and how it can help anyone live a happier life. Gerson’s new book, “The Telling,” explores the relationship between the Haggadah and answers to eternal questions about miracles, good and evil, family, forgiveness, our relationship with God and more. “The Telling” is an Amazon #1 New Release in Jewish Life, #1 New Release in Torah and #1 Bestseller in Jewish Prayerbooks. 

Through the lens of a diverse array of subjects, including Talmudic discussion, archaeology, sociology, psychology and American history, Gerson will demonstrate how the Haggadah is relevant to all. 

Gerson is the co-founder of the Gerson Lehrman Group, co-founder and chairman of United Hatzalah, the volunteer system of rapid first responders that provides medical attention to Israelis, and is a co-founder of African Mission Healthcare, helping Christian medical missions and doctors serving throughout Africa. Gerson also hosts “The Rabbi’s Husband” podcast, has a weekly column on Torah on RealClearReligion and Christian Broadcasting Network and teaches Bible studies to Evangelical leaders through Eagles’ Wings. 

Osteen spends several months each year in sub-Saharan Africa providing surgical care and medical education to healthcare workers. He also serves as a part of the pastoral staff at Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas, which is pastored by his brother, Joel Osteen.

“How to Live a Happier Life” will be hosted on Zoom from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. (EST) on Monday, Mar. 15, and is free and open to the public. Registrants may receive a free copy of Gerson’s new book, “The Telling,” by including their mailing address with their registration. Donations will also be accepted at registration, with proceeds going to African Mission Healthcare. 

More information about the event is available here.

More information on Museum of the Bible is available here.

Mark Gerson is an entrepreneur and philanthropist who (along with wife, Rabbi Erica Gerson) is perhaps the world’s largest individual supporter of Christian medical missions. He is the co-founder of African Mission Healthcare and co-founder and Chair of United Hatzalah of Israel, the crowd-sourced volunteer system of rapid first responders. He is author of the new book on the Haggadah, “The Telling: How Judaism’s Essential Book Reveals the Meaning of Life.”