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PragerU helps millions of people understand the fundamental values that shaped America, and provide them with the intellectual ammunition they need to defend and spread those values. PragerU is a resource for every American—and every person in the world who values liberty—for understanding and explaining the values we share.

[Release] PragerU’s Day in Court: Ninth Circuit Court to Hear PragerU’s Appeal August 27 ​​​​​​​as Censorship of Conservative Free Speech Continues

Jun. 19, 2019

LOS ANGELES — A court date has been set for the PragerU vs. Google hearing. PragerU will present oral arguments in its case against Google/Youtube for targeting ideological differences and engaging in unlawful censorship and discrimination. PragerU officially filed an appeal of its lawsuit against Google Inc. and its subsidiary YouTube, LLC. with the Ninth Circuit Court following a March 28, 2018, Federal Court ruling by Judge Lucy H. Koh.

The case centers around the issue of free speech and the First Amendment in the digital online realm. Although PragerU’s content has received over 2 billion views, many of PragerU’s videos are being blocked and categorized as “objectionable content.”

“Despite initially facing opposition on the federal level, we have faith in the legal system and the United States Constitution,” says PragerU CEO Marissa Streit. “We are arguing this case not just for PragerU, but for every American’s right to free and public expression of their opinions and beliefs. Google/YouTube continues to make waves with its biased censorship against conservative thought, which goes against all that the First Amendment promises to every person fortunate enough to call themselves an American. Our lawsuit will ensure that Big Tech companies — namely Google/YouTube —  are kept in check and held accountable for their manipulation of the public.”

As PragerU’s representatives prepare for the August 27, 2019, presentation in Seattle, WA., PragerU asks supporters of its organization and the First Amendment to sign this petition to show support at this critical moment. The outcome of this case will be a profound indicator of the future of the First Amendment and will likely be precedent-setting at a time Big Tech increasingly censors free speech, especially that of conservatives.



PragerU, founded by Dennis Prager in 2011, is a not-for-profit online media organization that helps millions understand the values that shaped America and provides millions of people around the world with the intellectual ammunition they need to advocate for limited government, individual responsibility and economic freedom. Since its founding, PragerU videos have received over 1.9 billion views. PragerU is a resource for all who value liberty. It is a threat to all those who do not.

Website |PragerU.com

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YouTube | YouTube.com/user/PragerUniversity