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PragerU helps millions of people understand the fundamental values that shaped America, and provide them with the intellectual ammunition they need to defend and spread those values. PragerU is a resource for every American—and every person in the world who values liberty—for understanding and explaining the values we share.



PragerU hires new director for ‘PREP,’ thousands of parents and educators already enlisted to promote balance in education

Feb. 22, 2021


LOS ANGELES — Just a few short months after its launch, PragerU’s online community, “PragerU Resources for Educators and Parents (PREP),” has equipped more than 6,000 parents and educators with the tools they need to give students a balanced education and demand that schools across America do the same.

“PREP was created to provide students with healthy, pro-America content,” said Marissa Streit, CEO of PragerU, “not content that teaches them to see themselves as victims and their country as an oppressor, or allow for harmful messaging, like white fragility, gender fluidity, and participation trophies, which, sadly, has become the norm.” Streit continued, “American parents now have to undo the damage of what is being taught to their children in many schools and PragerU is here to help them. Our intention is not to teach political rhetoric. But to teach good virtues, such as self-discipline, courage, faith, and honesty .”

Millions of parents and educators want to help, but often feel powerless. PREP offers access to a supportive community, via a private online discussion forum, where members share ideas, experiences, best practices, and crowdsource solutions to problems many parents and educators are facing today. PREP also offers curated pro-America resources for students in elementary school through high school.







Parents are hungry for activities-based content to supplement students’ existing educations. Shows, movies, books, and crafts are in high demand. PragerU is meeting that need and is now in production of new K-12 content that will be released this spring, including a “How To” series for 6th-8th graders and a storytime show for K-2nd graders, hosted by Jill Simonian, mother of two, seasoned television and media personality and contributor to multiple parenting blogs. With her trusty sidekick Otto the Bulldog (PragerU’s mascot), Jill reads stories and folktales that illustrate the pro-American concepts and ideals crucial to pass down to the next generation. Each episode teaches children timeless, traditional American values they are unlikely to hear in school or popular youth culture. Simonian is also PragerU’s new Director of Outreach for PREP.Jill Simonian PragerU.jpg

“I’m thrilled to join PragerU and help grow this important and essential community,” said Jill Simonian. “I’m proud to be a part of an organization that isn’t afraid to question the status quo, alongside thousands of parents, and speak truth to power. As a mom, I want children to have freedom to develop their own ideas and opinions rather than having a particular political, cultural or social agenda forced upon them.”

PragerU released a new video today featuring Simonian, “What Are Your Kids Learning in School?,” as a wake-up call to parents and guardians as to the lessons their children are really being taught: “In sum, many of our schools are teaching children that our past is terrible and they have no future.”

PragerU, whose videos have garnered more than 4.6 billion views — and counting — continues to promote PREP through its massive social media following, email list, mobile app subscribers, new streaming television channels on Roku and Apple TV and the PragerU website.

More information on PREP is available here.

More information on PragerU is available here.

For media inquiries, email Press@theKcompany.co.

PragerU, founded by Dennis Prager in 2011, is a not-for-profit organization that helps millions understand the values that shaped America and provides millions of Americans and people around the world with the intellectual ammunition they need to advocate for limited government, individual responsibility and economic freedom. Since its founding, PragerU videos have received over 4 billion lifetime views. PragerU is a resource for all who value liberty. It is a threat to all those who do not.