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[Release] PragerU: America’s Obsession with Safety is Robbing our Children of a Childhood

Mar. 20, 2018

LOS ANGELES — Our cultural obsession with extreme safety measures for our children has now reached a level of total absurdity according to the President of Let Grow, Lenore Skenazy, in a new video for Prager U.

Even the iconic image of a child building a sand castle on a beach is now off limits, according to one travel website: “Remember when digging in the sand at the beach was a fun activity for young children? Sorry. No more. Based on recent findings, only with lots of do’s and don’ts is frolicking in the sand a healthy activity.” 

Dr. Karl Neumann of the American Academy of Pediatrics adds to the chorus warning that children who play in the sand should always have “hard-soled footwear” to prevent – God forbid – “stubbed toes…and burns from hot sand.”

“In fact, why take your kids to the beach at all?” Prager U contributor Skenazy quips. “Better to keep them at home on a hard, nonporous surface, free of dirt and obstacles, checking frequently for venomous spiders, disease-bearing insects, and sewage.” 

“Children should also be in steel-toed work boots,” Skenazy continues. “Come to think of it, chainmail wouldn’t be a bad idea.”

The video, entitled “Let Kids be Kids,” notes a warning from Parents Magazine to discourage kids from wearing patterned clothing in order to avoid “bee attacks,” and highlights the fact that one company is manufacturing Wi-Fi enabled water bottles to help parents ensure their children are sufficiently hydrated.

My summer advice to parents is therefore short and sweet,” says Skenazy, “Tell your kids they can’t swim alone or get into a stranger’s car. And then stop reading other safety tips.” 

“Then, maybe—just, maybe—they can have a real childhood.”

MEDIA NOTE: Please email MediaInquiries@TheKCompany.co to schedule an interview with PragerU contributor, Lenore Skenazy, or PragerU CEO Marissa Streit.



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