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Ahead of Earth Day, PragerU launches petition calling Big Tech to end censorship of scientists who don’t toe leftist line on climate change

Apr. 21, 2021


LOS ANGELES — PragerU has launched “#ClimateTruth: Get Politics Out of Science,” a nationwide social media initiative to rally support for scientists silenced by climate change activists from Tuesday, April 20, through Thursday, April 22. The overarching goal of the initiative is to give a voice to scientists who do not agree with an aggressive climate crisis agenda. The campaign includes both online and offline actions.

“Science has been co-opted by special interest groups like politicians, large corporations and progressive environmental organizations,” said Marissa Streit, CEO of PragerU. “Sadly, scientists are often pressured to support a leftist agenda. When they don’t conform or when they question, they’re punished or silenced. Only scientists who tell leftists what they want to hear are allowed to speak and to publish. It’s time to take back science so that it can be what it was always meant to be: a pursuit of truth.”

For those who wish to participate via social media, PragerU has created an online toolkit with simple actions steps:

1.      Post on social media

2.     Share PragerU videos in support of climate truth

3.     Participate in a “Twitter storm”

  • Post on Twitter at the same time to intensify PragerU’s impact: Thursday, April 22: 9 a.m. PT/12 p.m. ET.

4.     Sign PragerU’s petition

  • Sign and share the petition to demand that science be free of ideological bias.

5.     Kids’ Activity

  • For those who have children and are interested, PragerU Resources for Educators and Parents (PREP) has provided a coloring page for kids. Feel free to pass this along and encourage children to get involved in the climate truth movement.

PragerU also released the short documentary “Religion of Green” in September 2020, which explores the origins, agenda and motives of today’s environmental movement.

More information on the campaign and instructions on how to participate are available here.

For media inquiries, email Press@theKcompany.co.

PragerU, founded by Dennis Prager in 2011, is a not-for-profit organization that helps millions understand the values that shaped America and provides millions of Americans and people around the world with the intellectual ammunition they need to advocate for limited government, individual responsibility and economic freedom. Since its founding, PragerU videos have received over 4 billion lifetime views. PragerU is a resource for all who value liberty. It is a threat to all those who do not.