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[Press Release] PragerU Takes on Opponents of the Death Penalty

Aug. 8, 2017

LOS ANGELES — According to The New York Times, the use of capital punishment is at its lowest level in decades. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has even predicted that the death penalty “may soon be extinct.”

In PragerU’s newest video, The Case for Capital Punishment, nationally syndicated radio talk show host and founder of PragerU Dennis Prager argues that capital punishment should remain a viable legal consequence in the case of “some” murders.

Prager begins by citing the heartbreaking story of Dr. William Petit of Cheshire, Connecticut. On July 23, 2007, two intruders entered Petit’s home and physically and sexually assaulted his entire family. Tragically, the intruders strangled his wife to death and proceeded to set the house on fire while his two daughters were tied to their beds. Despite being nearly bludgeoned to death with a baseball bat, Dr. Petit managed to escape.

“Many opponents of capital punishment believe that killing murderers is the same as murder,” says Prager. “You heard me right, most opponents equate the murder of an innocent family, with putting the murderers of that family to death.”

Prager maintains capital punishment actually preserves the sanctity of life namely the lives of those who have been brutally murdered because it calls for a consequence fitting of the crime. Additionally, a death sentence ensures that justice is served for the victims’ family members and loved ones, such as Dr. Petit. Not surprisingly, Dr. Petit agrees that death “is really the only true, just punishment for certain heinous and depraved murders.” Opposing capital punishment condemns Dr. Petit as immoral for wanting justice for his family.

To debunk a common fear, Prager explains that executing the wrong person is highly improbable due to modern forensic technologies such as DNA testing. In fact, there is actually a higher risk for the death of an innocent person if the criminal is kept alive. Guards, other prisoners or unknowing civilians could be killed if the prisoner escapes or is somehow granted parole.

Finally, Prager argues that taking a moral high ground against capital punishment is actually contradictory. No religion, including Christianity, ever claims that God alone has the right to take human life.

“So, if you’re on the proverbial fence on this issue, ask yourself this question: Do you really believe that the torturer-rapist-murderers of Dr. William Petit’s wife and daughters, and evil men like them, deserve to keep their lives? Well, if you’re like most people, your answer is no. Your heart, your mind, your whole being cries out for some justice and fairness in this world,” concludes Prager.

“We refuse to tiptoe around the subject of capital punishment,” says PragerU’s Chief Executive Officer Marissa Streit. “At PragerU, we always advocate for justice and the death penalty is duly deserved for certain murderous criminals – not all but certainly some. It’s important that we have this debate, not only to ensure justice is served for victims and their family members who are left behind, but for our society as a whole. We must fight to preserve capital punishment as a viable consequence in our criminal justice system.”
About Dr. William Petit: After tragedy struck his family, Dr. Petit, with the help of friends and family, created the Petit Family Foundation dedicated to maintaining the legacies of his wife, Jennifer Hawke-Petit, and two daughters, Hayley and Michaela Petit. Dr. William A. Petit, Jr. was sworn in for his first term in office as a Republican State Representative for the 22nd District of Connecticut Jan. 4, 2017, and proudly represents the 22nd General Assembly District covering the towns of Plainville and New Britain.

Media Note: PragerU founder and CEO, Dennis Prager, is available for interview as is PragerU’s CEO, Marissa Streit. Contact: MediaInquiries@theKcompany.co


PragerU, founded by Dennis Prager in 2011, is a not-for-profit organization that helps millions understand the values that shaped America and provides millions of Americans and people around the world with the intellectual ammunition they need to advocate for limited government, individual responsibility and economic freedom. In 2016 alone, PragerU’s videos received over 250 million views, a figure that will eclipse 350 million in 2017. PragerU is a resource for all who value liberty. It is a threat to all those who do not.

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