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PragerU helps millions of people understand the fundamental values that shaped America, and provide them with the intellectual ammunition they need to defend and spread those values. PragerU is a resource for every American—and every person in the world who values liberty—for understanding and explaining the values we share.

[Release] ‘A PragerU video changed my mind’: PragerU’s new national ad celebrates its success turning young leftists into conservatives

Sep. 10, 2020




‘A PragerU video opened my mind’: PragerU’s new national ad celebrates its success turning young leftists into conservatives 

Press Release: The KAIROS Company for PragerU Sept. 10, 2020


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LOS ANGELES — This week, PragerU launched a new national ad celebrating its success turning young leftists into conservatives. PragerU decided to run the ad on FOX News Channel in solidarity with conservative voices on the network like Tucker Carlson, whose show has lost advertisers after being targeted by Leftist cancel culture. PragerU — no stranger to the Left’s intolerance toward opposing views — has frequently battled Big Tech companies like YouTube and Facebook over censorship of its conservative content.

The ad features four young conservatives — Millennials and Gen Zers — including social media influencer and PragerU presenter, Will Witt, sharing how watching and listening to PragerU content has turned them from being America-hating leftists to steadfast conservatives.

“I believed the police would harass me just because of the color of my skin,” Amir Odem, a PragerFORCE student says in the ad. “I watched the Candace Owens show and stopped thinking of myself as a victim.”

PragerFORCE, PragerU’s student ambassador program, is made up of 10,000 high school and college students in 40 different countries. These student activists challenge the left-wing narrative via digital media, opinion-editorial writing and campus advocacy.

“PragerU terrifies the Left,” said Marissa Streit, CEO of PragerU. “We are exposing their lies. PragerU has been reaching millions of young people who have been frankly turned off by the left-wing mob. People are realizing that leftists are intolerant, dishonest and often even violent. Through education and our rigorous commitment to truth, we are turning young minds into principled, think-for-themselves conservatives.”

The ad will air on the FOX News channel for four weeks during nightly broadcasts of Tucker Carlson Tonight, Hannity and The Ingraham Angle — the #1-rated lineup in all of broadcast television in June and July, despite the boycott attempt.

PragerU content has garnered over 4 billion lifetime views including one billion views in 2020 alone. A recent report shows 70% of people have changed their mind on an issue after viewing a PragerU video. PragerU boasts over 8.5 million active social media followers on sites like YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, nearly 2 million active email subscribers and over 175,000 subscribers to its mobile app launched just six months ago. PragerU has also secured streaming television channels available on Roku and Apple TV devices.

More information on PragerU is available here.

For media inquiries, email Press@theKcompany.co.

PragerU, founded by Dennis Prager in 2011, is a not-for-profit organization that helps millions understand the values that shaped America and provides millions of Americans and people around the world with the intellectual ammunition they need to advocate for limited government, individual responsibility and economic freedom. Since its founding, PragerU videos have received over 4 billion lifetime views. PragerU is a resource for all who value liberty. It is a threat to all those who do not.


Website | www.PragerU.com             Twitter | @PragerU