JDA Worldwide

Biography | Jared Sichel

Jared Sichel

Vice President of Content

As PragerU’s VP of Content, Jared, manages the organization’s content creation, partnerships, script writing process, and production efforts, working closely with the Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director, and Chief Marketing Officer to execute PragerU’s core organizational goals.

Jared is an award-winning former Senior Writer for the Jewish Journal. He won the Los Angeles Press Club’s Second Place prize for 2015 Print Journalist of the Year, and Third Place prize for the 2014 News Feature of the Year. In his spare time, Jared serves as adviser to the YULA High Schools student-run newspaper The Panther Post, writes a biweekly column on Jewish history for The Jewish Journal, and is writing, producing, and directing a short comedy film as part of Taliesin Nexus’s SmashCut Find Lab. Jared graduated in 2012 from Tulane University with a Masters of Accounting and a Bachelors of Science in Management with a focus in finance.